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4 Stunning Flowering Houseplants

Working on your green thumb? These flowering houseplants are easy to care for and are beautiful.

Are you the type of person who likes to take their flower garden indoors? Indoor plants do more than simply add color to your space; they can also improve the mood of those who live with them. If you’re looking for a blooming plant, consider one of the following four:

Bromeliads. These funky, spiky plants are in the pineapple family! Bright and tropical, they like lots of light and don’t require too much water, which makes them a great choice for a beginning gardener.

African Violet. These are some of the most popular blooming house plants, as they flower for a long duration and are relatively easy to care for.

Begonias. A well-cared-for begonia will bloom almost continuously. Place them in a bright location away from windows.

Peace Lily. These lovely, graceful flowers are adaptable and low-maintenance. They don’t demand too much light and can survive stints of both over-and under-watering.

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